Course Syllabus: Integrative Seminar in Expressive Arts Therapy


Section 1
Kate T. Donohue, Ph. D., REAT Office hours: by appointment
Office: 57 Post Street, suite 602, SF, CA 94104 only on Fridays or
Phone: 415-695-1464
Fax: 415-296-7426 at my office on Post St.


This course is the final class in the EXA masters program and is designed to
assist our students in integrating many aspects of their learning in this program: the psychological and EXA theories, experiential learning, personal growth, artistic development, and EXA clinical experience of the practicum. With this integration, students will deepen their understanding of the various EXA approaches and develop their own emerging EXA style or approach.

The various threads of the EXA educational tapestry will be explored through a series of seminars. The first seminar will investigate the needs of different populations with regard to EXA therapy. This seminar will employ personal practicum experiences and current psychological and EXA research in this investigation.

The second Integrative Arts discussion will help students, compare and contrast their various approaches to EXA. EXA Faculty will be invited to participate. Students will be asked to probe presenters to help them understand their approach.

The third seminar will be student-directed. Each student will present a cogent exploration of his/her personal journey, philosophical underpinning, current research and how this informed his or her current clinical EXA therapy approach.
The final seminar will be a community arts presentation by the third year students to the larger EXA community of their current artistic experience.

After completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Think critically, theoretically and concretely about EXA approaches.
2. Articulate, use and begin to integrate EXA with other clinical approaches
3. Solidify a basic understanding about the conduct of psychotherapy.
4. Begin to develop and clarify his/her own professional style, including theoretical consideration, current research and an awareness of one’s own personal gifts, strengths, biases and limitations
5. Work collaboratively with peers and faculty, forming a collegial identity as developing professionals in the field.
6. Present to the larger EXA community their artistic experienced through a community art presentation.


1. Didactic/discussion 30 %
2. Experiential 30%
3. Practical/ applied 40%

1. Attendance and Participation in class discussion
Attendance at two arts presentation preparation meetings 30%
2. Final Case presentation 40%
3. Experiential and community arts presentation 30%


CLASS SIZE: 14 EXA Practicum Students only

1. Levy, F. (1995) Dance and Other Expressive Art Therapies. Routledge Press.
2. Levine, E. & S. (eds.), (1999) Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy. Jessica Kingsley.
3. Higgins, R. (1993) Approaches to Case Study. Jessica Kingsley.

Materials Fee: $25.00

Classes will be held on various Fridays afternoons from 8:30-11:30 AM and various daylong Saturday/Sunday classes from 9 AM- 6 PM
Attendance at each class is required to complete this class.

1. January 27, Friday
Introduction and overview of class and assignments:
Aesthetic response to the practicum experience.
Integrating one’s aesthetic response: discuss personal and professional practicum experience.
What are the gaps in your learning experience so far? Exploration of alternatives in bridging these gaps. Preparation for discussion on integrating the arts.
Reading: For the next class, please read the Higgins book on Case Study and Levy Book, chapter 1 and 2.
Develop three questions for discussion and exploration in our class. Please give to Kate on the 4th typed and with your name.
2. February 3,
Case Presentation:
Kate will present a case study using class guidelines.
Discussion of developing Case presentation.
How to develop one’s philosophical approach.
How to integrate the various threads of EXA into final paper.
Reminding time will be used for arts presentation discussion

Reading: For next class, begin reading the Levine book, chapters: introduction, 2, & 3 and Levy Book, chapters 4, 5 and 9
3-4. February 11, Saturday
Namaste Hall
Integration of the Arts:
We will discuss the various approaches you have studied in EXA and compare and contrast them. Using the model presented in the EXA: 5000 The Practice of EXA class, you learn how to develop your own approach to EXA.
EXA faculty guests will be invited for a discussion of their approach to EXA therapy.
Each presenter will discuss their philosophy, approach and present their work through case presentation and experiential process.

Preparation for the arts exhibition and presentation
Discussion of timeline and guidelines for each aspect.
Choice of a name
Choice of representatives
Deciding on LABS dates so that they can be reserved

Readings: Complete the Higgins, Levine and Levy book before case presentation
4- 8. Class Case Presentation Dates:
3/31, 4/7,4/21, 4/28 Namaste Hall
Sunday April 2nd 9- AM-6 PM:
In an hour format per student, each student will have a 45 minutes to present the various threads of their EXA Tapestry that informs their work. In a case presentation format (that will be provided), each student will present the threads that inform his/her work: current life journey, philosophical underpinning, and life and EXA clinical experience. Using these threads, each student will present a case study from their EXA practicum experience. Case study guidelines for both oral and written will be provided and also supplemented with the Higgins’ book on case studies.

The following 15 minutes, classmates will inquire about any aspect of the students case presentation. This will be a time for acknowledging and challenging each other’s work.

9-10. April 29, Saturday 9 AM-6 PM
Preparation for Arts Exhibit and Presentation and Closing Ritual of our class.

May 4-6, Hanging the art Show or Rehearsals
During the weekend of May 4-6., we will choose the date depending on student availablity.

Arts Presentation,
May 20th Saturday
Preparation Sunday May15th at cellspace
May 20th preparation arrive at 2 PM til 6 PM ?
Guests arrive at 7? PM
We must close by 9 ? 10 ? and clean and be out by 11 PM.
The graduating class will present to the larger community an art performance/exhibition reflecting their individual and group artistic
life. The actual performance will be from 7-9 ? PM, preceded by a reception at 7 PM?
Your participation can be individual presentations or a group presentation or any combination of the above. We will use the day for final preparations. Guidelines will be provided.


1. Class Participation:

A. Integrative Arts Questions: Prepare three questions that you feel are essential to your development as an EXA therapist of that reflect gaps in your learning and grapple with your own personal/professional limitations that the panel could address.

Present these three questions to instructor on 2/11

B. Active participation in class discussions and in the interactive
aspects of sister-students case presentations.

C. Attendance at the two arts presentation preparation meetings

2. Participation in Community Arts Presentation:

A. Active participation in the group creative process of developing this
piece and contributing to the performance/ exhibition in April.

B. Attendance at the two preparation meetings for the arts presentation.
With these meetings, you will be able to coordinate presentation, supplies and the reception with Kate. Please give Kate any names of folks you would like to invite to this presentation. These meetings will occur in February-April

3. Case Presentation and Final Paper

During the sessions in April, each student will present an integrated presentation of his/her work. This presentation will include a trajectory of their personal journey since entering his program and the psychological, arts and creative and expressive arts theories and approaches that inform his/her work.
Then each student will present a case study of person from his/her practicum experience that they would like to explore more. This does not need to be your most successful work, but one that you would like to reflect, investigate and interact with your peers and receive feedback.
Use your case presentation to tangibly illustrate your developing approach and orientation. What you are being asked to do is think critically about what you have learned in the program and in your clinical experience.

Guidelines for the case presentation will be provided before the
Quarter and in the first class.

A final 20-page paper based on this presentation is required. It must
be in APA format, double-spaced with references for citations used.
Include a bibliography that is real, i.e. books you have read and
gotten something out of that have informed your learning and your clinical
work. More information about this paper will be presented in the first

Final Paper due the day of your presentation in April.

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